Phil Gibson - Marketing | Building Brand Experience
Phil Gibson - Marketing | Building Brand Experience

If You Have An Online Community, Monitor It

This seems like an obvious statement but I have seen many online communities created, adopted by users, and then thrown to the side and discarded when the founder changes roles, finds a new job, or moves on.  Communities are hard to create and once you create them, they can be hard to maintain.  They require steady attention to stay fresh.  Keep this in mind when every new marketing manager wants to create a community for their great new product.


How will the community be maintained?  Who is assigned to the effort?  What is the long term commitment?  Nowadays, not having a community is better than starting one and dropping it.  Abandoned communities can be terrible for brands as users have many ways today to lash out at non responsive communities. 


My best advice is to pick and support communities that are closely aligned to your core competencies and strategy.  Those are likely to be the only ones that you will be able to invest in and grow over time.  Anything else is a distraction and likely cause more damage than benefit.



This Web site is aimed at capturing some of the basic concepts I use when creating integrated marketing programs and leveraging the internet.


 Phil Gibson ©2016

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