Now, we have gone from product and catalog content, created structured Featured Sites, added some stickyness in the form of tools or gadgets, and our users are beginning to create some "Events' or Leads for tracking. Here, we have to create our Lead Management process to guide and track our customers as their projects migrate down the funnel.
Every company has a pyramid of accounts or customers as discussed in the Integration/Customer Engagement section. I won't duplicate that coverage here but your Web site is all about Lead Generation. The objective for you is to interest and convert anonymous visitors into identified users through page funnel events. Ideally, the tools that you have are so interesting or valuable that your visitors will be willing to register in order to use your tool.
The next process steps are all about nurturing that event. Is the user at the top of your support pyramid, the middle, the great unidentified broad market. Your event management will be different based on who they are and what kind of qualification hand off you have negotiated with the Field.
In the process, you can begin your interest tracking and begin to trial your up-sell/cross-sell touches.