Phil Gibson - Marketing | Building Brand Experience
Phil Gibson - Marketing | Building Brand Experience


The priority of your reaction to search measurement and tracking ranges from tactical to strategic. 


For your onsite results, a significant move your "normal" daily count metrics or in your daily top 200 search terms implies that something is broken in your site operations.  Deal with these events quickly by locating the source and correcting it.


Your top account queries will usually point you to the problem.  Watch them daily.


Trending of top terms normally requires a longer sample window to see the trends emerge.  Look at these weekly.


My priority for my business to business site is to monitor top account queries on a daily basis.  These are the canary in the coal mine to new market opportunity.  Look for these movements.  Where appropriate, reach out to these top account customers and clarify what they were looking for and go the extra mile to offer them service where they were not expecting it.  You will find that users are very happy when you go out of your way to save their time and provide value.  I have found this always to be true.




This Web site is aimed at capturing some of the basic concepts I use when creating integrated marketing programs and leveraging the internet.


 Phil Gibson ©2016

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