Phil Gibson - Marketing | Building Brand Experience
Phil Gibson - Marketing | Building Brand Experience

Loyalty Programs

Not every business can offer routine loyalty program benefits so you may have to be creative about how you can do this.


One of the most innovative community sites out there is the one for customer support on the National Instruments web site.  In that community, the users proactively answer questions regarding the product.  They obtain badges of honor for answering the most questions or providing the best answer as rated by the community.  Annually, the most active answer providers are treated with formal recognition during NI week when all of the vendors and partners in the ecosystem come together and these customer service leaders are treated like rock stars.


Think that doesn't promote loyalty and fierce brand advocates and defenders?  Think again.


While your business may not provide an easy way to offer 2 for 1 coupons, think outside of the box about how you might reward your customers and delight your visitors through a loyalty program of some type.


This Web site is aimed at capturing some of the basic concepts I use when creating integrated marketing programs and leveraging the internet.


 Phil Gibson ©2016

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