Phil Gibson - Marketing | Building Brand Experience
Phil Gibson - Marketing | Building Brand Experience


The top priority of every business web site is to save your customers' precious time.  This is the one thing that they cannot replace and they value it highly.


Every web site should have a purpose and be a consistent extension of your brand.  Put the core competencies identified in the Strategy section at the fingertips of your customers.  At a minimum, sites should explain what your competencies are and educate your customers on why they are important and why they have benefit for them.


Every web page should have impact or "pop".  Tune each page so that it delivers your brand message or at least is harmonious with your brand message.  Tell the story of your value proposition from the customer's perspective page by page.  Review the pages to be sure that they flow together and make sense for your users.


Finally, try to maintain your navigation with a decision or engagement funnel in mind for every page.  Ideally, you would want to guide your visitors to one focus action per page.  Too many decisions per page reduces conversions and can confuse the user.


Follow those steps and your users will recognize your brand and, if you have value, be delighted with the result.


This Web site is aimed at capturing some of the basic concepts I use when creating integrated marketing programs and leveraging the internet.


 Phil Gibson ©2016

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© Phil Gibson